The elephant in the room in my humble opinion at this point is the impending race (non)iluustrious incumbent Doug Lamborn and an as yet unknown opponent for CD-5.
No one wants to talk about the clash for fear that the elephant might sit on them…
With regards to this impending race, the new and extremely interesting news is about possible Lamborn challenger Bentley Rayburn. I live in El Paso County but recently confirmed with a source in Teller County that Rayburn is considering a run for County Commissioner. This is a very attractive post that provides a nice little paycheck and – more importantly – provides a reason for Bentley to put together a political organization. And it’s a race he can win… he went head to head with the “big dogs” and in a five way race managed a third place finish.
Dropping from the big leagues to triple-A Rayburn can walk away with a commissioner race. From where I sit – BR wants to someday do something bigger but understands that long journeys begin with the first step.
In other related news, a source (well actually a close frined of my ex, but what the hell – she hardly ever lies) close to Bruce Benson (read Denver money) has confirmed that Benson wants Jeff Crank in the race – not Rayburn. Where goes the money, so goes the men…
Per my other posts I am suggesting highly likely two way Crank/Lamborn primary in 2008.
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For such a blessing. Crank needs to be our congressman!
SO Rayburn is not considering a Senate race?
Is the GOP field narrowed down to Suthers v. Schaffer?
…I think that although Suthers wants to run he shouldn’t and Schaffer could run but understands he’ll be fighting uphill all the way…
There is definitely room for a dark horse candidate to emerge and do well. Bentley Rayburn is certainly one sound choice; Wil Armstrong and Tancredo are other interesting possibilities.
Obviously it all comes down to who can raise 12-14 million bucks.
I was counting on Lamborn, Crank, Rivera, Anderson, Rayburn, Bremer and the other guy all running again in ’08.
What would be the odds of them finishing in the same order and with the same percentages as they finished in ’06?
from Anderson (who I supported last time) or Bremer on running, Rivera just won re-election as mayor down here so it would be odd given how low he was in the last run to try again. Crank is keeping up his profile and is getting all the buzz, at least in circles like this one. It looks like this will be just a two horse race.